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The World-Cultural-Heritage

in 2024

Das Weltkulturerbe

Final Warning

Ursula Sabisch, Empress, Am Aehrenfeld 15, 23564 Luebeck, Germany, Expert opinion (           

To the

KSP Law Firm Dr. Seegers, Dr. Frankenheim      

Law Firm Ltd.      

Kaiser-Wilhelm-Strasse 40     

20355 Hamburg


Luebeck, 25 October 2023

The German-language document you may find here!


Final Warning


Dear Dr. Birgit Rase, Ladies and Gentlemen,

Dear Readers,

Thank you very much for your message.

Clearly you and others have no respect for anything any more and that is exactly what my person will have to beat out of you! My person will also* take away your doctoral degrees in Rostock, but you can be sure that my person has already set out to have these and other titles taken back at least three quarters of the doctoral or professorial degrees awarded worldwide! 

It cannot be that there are so many people with such titles who are living their lives to such a high standard, but at the same time the nonsense of life is coming in concentrated loads from all sides, making it increasingly clear that the end of time is approaching! The meaning of every life is clearly being lost and drowned very quickly by erroneous and very questionable legislation, and if your naughtiness as lawyers and judges towards my person is not stopped immediately, then soon every warning will be too late!

Through my person, you have received a highly valuable document with your actual scope of duties for your guild on the Internet, in which it was stipulated with all clarity that such more than questionable professions as lawyers or female judges are exclusively intended for the end of time.  There is a very natural jurisprudence and legal validity for life that every Christian knows and will use when the time comes!

Since this document is intended for all your colleagues worldwide and for the public, my person would like to take the trouble again and give an example of your present actual activity and hereby enlarge this field of activity.  

Example: A few days ago, a very gruesome film was shown on television in the evening hours, which my person only happened to see at the end. What was shocking was the striking similarity between the atrocities shown and the actual acts committed by Hamas in the Gaza Strip, whereby at the end a girl who was to be dismembered alive by a psychopath used a pistol to kill the perpetrator and his cronies "several times over".   

Obviously, here on God's earth, every success addict, for example, as a filmmaker and actor, can do whatever he wants by making the cash register ring! What such a filmmaker, director or actor can cause with these images, which can impress themselves on the viewer, especially in this day and age, and no one brings this dangerous nonsense to court by having to call in the lawyer, that is the question and answer for your field of activity!   

The question of the client and the question of the cost of your efforts will have to be answered by the Minister of Justice, for example! And if my person has made the effort in writing on the Internet to have order established in the legislative power as well, then you and your kind must not dare to make demands or conditions on my person, because you are quite obviously no longer really master of your senses!  

You will now first of all make sure that your client returns the already "ripped off money" of the last two years to the already affected parties, without exception and completely, who were uninformed and surprisingly made to pay by a law firm, regarding a copyright use of photos or videos from the Internet for non-commercial purposes!   

Subsequently, your client's shop will be blocked!

A serious discussion with Mr. Marco Buschmann as Federal Minister of Justice is already in the offing, which will of course be an additional effort for my person!   

Ursula Sabisch  


HP: You and others will still have to learn to earn your money in a sensible and honest way, and please do it quickly, otherwise we'll see you in court!

* Expression and spelling slightly corrected.

On 24.10.2023 at 16:07 wrote:    

KSP Kanzlei Dr. Seegers, Dr. Frankenheim, Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH, Kaiser-Wilhelm-Straße 40, 20355 Hamburg, Germany         

Ms Ursula Sabisch        

Am Aehrenfeld 15        

                23564 Lübeck                        

Claim of dpa Picture-Alliance GmbH

Customer number: PIX-CPA-XXXX File number: XXX12365             

                Dear Ms Sabisch                

In the above matter, an outstanding debt in the amount of EUR 256.83 is still outstanding. In order to bring the matter to a final conclusion, our client is prepared to waive a considerable part of the total claim on a one-off basis if you transfer an amount of EUR 155.00 to our account named below by 3 November 2023.                

This settlement offer is made without prejudice to the factual and legal situation, only to the above reference number and only within the aforementioned period. If you do not respond, the above offer will lapse and we will advise our client to continue the proceedings against you. We would also like to make it clear that the settlement will only be reached on the condition that the photograph in dispute is immediately deleted from the website operated by you as well as from all data carriers, insofar as this has not already been done.                       

      Yours sincerely  Lawyer

       Dr. Birgit Rase  


                     This letter was sent electronically and therefore does not bear a signature.                          

Do you have any questions? Then contact us! Watch our video:::: :::::::::::::    




      Commercial Register: Hamburg Local Court HRB 110678              

Managing Directors: Dr. Ludwig Gehrke* - Dr. Oliver Gnielinski - Dr. Florian Pagenkemper - Dr. Andreas Seegers - Dr. Tobias Röhnelt *Location: Friedrich-Barnewitz-Str. 9, 18119 Rostock